Ultimate Styling was created in 1999 in Swindon. The business primarily sold car parts and accessories and operated out of a shop in the town centre. At this time, we had two employees, myself and my wife! This was the time a ‘new way’ of shopping was introduced to the world – online shopping. Wanting to be a part of this, Ultimate Styling started selling online in 2001.
We initially started selling on eBay and then on Amazon. We were one of the first sellers on eBay to list a Headlight! Our own website shortly followed, and since then, we’ve gone on to sell thousands of vehicle parts and accessories to buyers from all over the world.
With the business growing year-on-year, we soon outgrew our shop premises and had to move to a larger warehouse with more staff. We became well known as a trusted and reliable UK seller on eBay and Amazon, with very high feedback ratings from our customers on these platforms. Our excellent reputation is also reflected on Trustpilot.
We now have 14 members off staff and operate from several areas of the United Kingdom. We have specialists in data; ensuring the listings are as accurate as possible, customer service; so that every customer has a great experience, pricing; so that all of our parts are priced competitively and last but not least, technology! Technology plays a huge part in our business, we offer 360-degree images on our website and much of the order process is automated.
Here at Ultimate Styling, we understand that vehicle maintenance can be a costly concern. We also understand the need to get your vehicle safely back on the road as quickly as possible. That’s why we offer Free delivery* as standard with every order, no matter how big or small. In the vast majority of cases (depending on the product), your order will actually qualify for Free Next Day delivery*.
Now in 2025, we sell globally and have a market leading website with vehicle registration recognition. We are the leading online seller of automotive aftermarket parts and have no plans to slow down!
*Please see our Delivery Policy for further information