Pollen / Cabin Filters
What You Need To Know About Pollen Filters
Pollen filters protect from not only pollen but dust, debris and other airborne material. The cabin filter acts as prevention from such material entering the vehicle. The material entering the vehicle can clog up the heating and air-conditioning systems, so we recommend regular replacement to ensure these unwanted materials are filtered from entering the vehicle. Recommendation for pollen filter replacement would be around once a year to ensure protection from build-up of unwanted smells and materials in the vehicle.
What are the different pollen filters available?
Pollen filters are also known as cabin filters will reduce the overall chance of pollen and contaminants entering the cabin of the vehicle. There are carbon and non-carbon types. The specification of the products will state the type of carbon filter. If it does not state carbon these will normally be non-carbon. Non-carbon filters are manufactured from paper. Whereas carbon will be a combination of paper and carbon for maximum prevention from pollen and other materials entering the vehicle.
If the product states that there is 2 per carton this means that your vehicle will require 2 filters per vehicle. One carton will contain 2 filters to suit the vehicle filter.
Pollen Filter Terms Buying Guide
Here is an explanation of the terms used to help you choose the right Pollen Filter for your vehicle
Cabin Filter Reduces the chance of Pollen & contaminants from entering the cabin of the vehicle.
Non-Carbon Type Primarily manufactured from paper.
Carbon Type Primarily manufactured from paper but impregnated with Carbon to further reduce the effects of Pollen.
2 per Carton 2 filters are required per vehicle, & 1 carton contains 2 filters to suit.
(->ch.12335) To suit vehicles with a chassis number up to 12345.
(ch.12345->) To suit vehicles with a chassis number greater than 12345.
(Eng.CJCA) To suit vehicles with engine type CJCA.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a cabin air filter for a car?
A cabin air filter ensures the air that comes inside your vehicle is of good quality, removing any dust particles, spores etc from the Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.
How much does a cabin air filter cost?
We have a large range of competitively priced air filters suitable for a wide range of makes and models. They do vary in price so we are unable to give a definitive answer.
Why change a cabin air filter?
A cabin air filter should be changed regularly to ensure only good quality air is in the cabin area of the vehicle. Manufacturers recommendations vary between 15,000 and 30,000 and it is therefore essential that you check your vehicle handbook or seek professional advice if you are in any doubt.
Where is cabin the air filter located?
Cabin air filters are generally located behind the glove compartment, underneath the dashboard or sometimes under the bonnet. Your vehicle handbook should be able to indicate where it is on your particular make and model.
How to install a cabin air filter?
As the location of cabin air filters varies we are unable to give specific advice on this matter.
What is a pollen filter?
A pollen filter is another name for a cabin air filter and performs the same function – ensuring the air that enters the cabin through the HVAC (Heating, ventilation and Air Conditioning) system is of good quality for the vehicle occupants.